OloKimya TÜRKÇE OloKimya OloKimya OloKimya OloKimya OloKimya


:   Talc, talc powder, magnesium silicate, aqueous, dioxosilane; oxomagnesium; hydrate
Mol. Formula
:   H2Mg3O12Si4
EC / List no.
:   238-877-9
CAS no.
:   14807-96-6
Molecular weight
:  379,27
Talc is a hydrated magnesium silicate and is a very soft mineral. Talcum powder is originally white and is a metamorphic mineral in terms of formation.
» It is used in ceramics, paint production, roof coating, pesticide production, rubber and paper industry, cosmetics and pharmacology, asphalt filler production, animal feed and fertilizer production.
» This substance is used in the following products: laboratory chemicals, polymers, plant protection products and fillers, putties, plasters, modeling clay.
» This substance has an industrial use that results in the production of another substance (use of intermediates).
» Other releases of this substance into the environment are likely to result from: indoor use (eg machine wash fluids/detergents, automotive care products, paints and coatings or adhesives, fragrances and air fresheners).
Product Specifications
Physical and Chemical Properties
» Appears as a white to off-white, very fine crystalline powder.
» It is odorless and tasteless.

Characteristics Unit Value Condition
Melting point °C 1500  
Density g/ cm³ 2.7 20 °C
Solubility µg/L 100 25 °C, soluble with water
Vapor pressure Pa 0 25 °C
LogP   -9.4 25 °C
Refractive index   1.58