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» Airgels are highly porous and lightweight materials. It contains 99% air and has superior physical and chemical properties.
» It has the title of being the world`s lightest solid ever produced, with density values ranging from 0.0011 to 0.5 g cm-3.
» According to the definition made by IUPAC (International Union of Fundamental and Applied Chemistry), airgel; It is defined as `a gel consisting of a microporous solid in which the dispersed phase is a gas`.
» In his `Aerogel Handbook`, Pierre Kistler, the inventor of aerogel, defined it as `gels in which the liquid is replaced by air with reduced shrinkage occurring in the solid network`.

Lightness : Airgels are a very light material with its low density.
Surface Area : It is preferred in many application areas thanks to its large surface area.
Particle Size : It has homogeneous particle distribution and low particle size.
Porosity : It has a porosity over 90% and a nano-porous structure.
Hydrophobic : When produced as hydrophobic, it has moisture and water repellent properties.

Superior Properties of Silica Airgel

Thanks to their extraordinary properties, airgels are used in many different sectors such as insulation, chemistry, electronics. It is preferred in the commercial area due to its features such as being an inert, non-toxic, environmentally friendly and functional material that can be produced in accordance with the field of use.

Usage areas

» Sound insulation : With its porous structure, it creates a barrier for sound and vibration and provides sound insulation by absorbing energy.
» Thermal Insulation : It creates a thermal barrier thanks to its very porous and nano-porous structure. The thermal conductivity coefficient is very low.
» Fire Resistance : It is resistant to high temperatures and heat.
» Chemistry : It is used in oil and odor adsorption thanks to its high porosity. It is used as a filling material in various chemical formulations.
» Food : Milk powder, coffee, salt, etc. It acts as an anti-caking agent, helping to flow in powdered foods. It is also used as a thickener, fragrance and aroma carrier.
» Pharmaceuticals : It is used as a thickener, filler and flow aid agent in medicines.
» Cosmetics : Skin care products (cream, sunscreen, clay mask, etc.).

AEROGEL Aerojel - Brochure