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Nickel Sulphate

:   Nickel (2+) sulfate, nickel sulfate (1: 1)
Mol. Formula
:   NiO4S
EC / List no.
:   232-104-9
CAS no.
:   7786-81-4
Molecular weight
:  154,76
Nickel sulfate is a metal sulfate with nickel (2+) as the metal ion. It has a role as an allergen. Contains nickel (2+).
»  This substance is used in the following products: metal surface treatment products and fertilizers
»  It is used in agriculture, forestry and fishing areas.
»  It is used in the manufacture of electrical, electronic and optical equipment, machinery and vehicles.
»  Used in machine wash liquids/detergents, automotive care products, paints, coatings or adhesives, fragrances and air fresheners.
Product Specifications
Physical and Chemical Properties
» Nickel sulfate is a yellow-green crystalline solid.
» Odorless.

Characteristics Unit Value Condition
Melting point °C             53-840  
Density g/cm3 1.95- 3.68 20 °C
Solubility g/ L 625 0 °C, pH=6-8, soluble with water