OloKimya TÜRKÇE OloKimya OloKimya OloKimya OloKimya OloKimya

Manganese Oxide

:   manganese dioxide, manganese (IV)oxide
Mol. Formula
:   MnO2
EC / List no.
:   215-202-6
CAS no.
:   1313-13-9
Molecular weight
:  86,937
Manganese oxide is the compound containing manganese (II) ion and oxide components. It is widely used in articles, formulation or repackaging, industrial sites and manufacturing.
»  This substance is used in the following products: adhesives and sealants, adsorbents, coating products, fuels, oil and gas exploration or production products.
»  It is used in upholstery, furniture, toys, construction materials, curtains, shoes, leather products, paper and cardboard products and electronic equipment.
Product Specifications
Physical and Chemical Properties
» Manganese oxide is in solid powder form.

Characteristics Unit Value Condition
Melting point °C             535  
Vapor pressure Pa 0 25 °C
Density g/cm3 5.08- 5.21 20 °C
Solubility µg/ L 60- 100 20 °C, pH=5- 6.1, soluble with water