OloKimya TÜRKÇE OloKimya OloKimya OloKimya OloKimya OloKimya

Hexamethylene Tetramine

:   Methenamine, hexamine, urotropine
Mol. Formula
:   C6H12N4
EC / List no.
:   202-905-8
CAS no.
:   100-97-0
Molecular weight
:  140,19
Hexamethylene tetramine is a heterocyclic organic compound with antibiotic activity. In the body, methenamine is converted to formaldehyde, a non-specific bactericidal agent. Hexamethylene tetramine is typically used long-term to treat chronic urinary tract infections and prevent recurrence of infections.
»   This substance is used in the following products: washing and cleaning products, fuels, cosmetics and personal care products.
»   Used in machine wash fluids/detergents, automotive care products, paints, coatings or adhesives, fragrances and air fresheners, coolants in refrigerators, and oil-based electric heaters.
Product Specifications
Physical and Chemical Properties
» Hexamethylene tetramine appears as a white crystalline powder or colorless shiny crystals.
» Odorless.

Characteristics Unit Value Condition
Melting point °C 260  
Boiling point     sublimes
Solubility mg/ L 300 25 °C, soluble with water
Density g/cm3 1-1.33 20 °C
Vapor pressure Pa 0.13 20 °C
Flash point °C 250 Closed cup
LogP   -2.18-(-2) 20 °C