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Copper Nitrate

:   Copper (II) nitrate, copper nitrate, copper diditrate
Mol. Formula
:   Cu.2HNO3
EC / List no.
:   221-838-5
CAS no.
:   3251-23-8
Molecular weight
:  187,56
Copper (II) nitrate is an inorganic nitrate salt containing copper (2+).
» Widely used in lubricants and greases, products, coatings, skins, plasters, surface treatment, fertilizers, metal surface treatment products, metal surface treatment products, inks, toners, leather products, lacquers, waxes, cosmetics and all over the world.
» It is used in machine washing fluids/detergents, care products, paints, coatings, adhesives, fragrances and air fresheners, automotive engine oils, lubricants in engine oil and brake fluids.
» These substance applications are used: preparations of mixtures and/or repackaging, construction and construction, chemicals and mineral products (eg plasters, coating).
Product Specifications
Physical and Chemical Properties
» Obtained as trihydrate and hexahydrate. Both are blue crystalline solids.


Unit Value Condition
Melting point °C 225  
Solubility g/ 100 cc 243.7 0 °C, soluble with water (soluble with ethanol and acetone)
Density g/ cm3 2.39  20 °C
Vapor pressure Pa 0 25 °C
Surface tension mN/ m 73.2 1.3 g/ L, 20.2 °C