OloKimya TÜRKÇE OloKimya OloKimya OloKimya OloKimya OloKimya

Chrome Alum

:   chrome screed; dodecahydrate, chromic potassium sulfate, chromic potassium sulfate dodecahydrate
Mol. Formula
:   CrH3KO8S2
EC / List no.
:   233-401-6
CAS no.
:   10141-00-1
Molecular weight
:  286,25
Chromium alum is a chemical containing chromium, potassium and sulfuric acid components.
»  It is used in the manufacture of leather processing products and metal surface treatment products, textiles, fur and fabricated metal products.
»  Used as a binder in machine wash fluids/detergents, automotive care products, paints, coatings or adhesives, fragrances and air fresheners, paints, coatings or adhesives.
Product Specifications
Physical and Chemical Properties
» Chrome alum is in the form of dark purple needles or grayish brown powder when dehydrated.
» It is odorless.

Characteristics Unit Value Condition
Melting point °C 89  
Boiling point °C 400  
Density g/cm3 1.83 20 °C
Solubility g/ 100 mL 24 20 °C, soluble with water